On tuesday 21. August, Emmy Voltman of Goodget will travel to Ghana to meet with our Ghanese team. The Ghanese team, led by Evans Hokey of SIFE Ghana has delivered a market research for our products, a selection tool for the first group of local entrepreneurs, and has done research into storing and logistics.

The outcome of the market research was very positive: there is certainly demand for our products in Ghana! So now the local entrepreneurs need to be trained, they need to get access to microfinance, and ofcourse, we need to set up and test every aspect of the Goodget microfranchise formula.

Together with SIFE Ghana, we will work out a communications and marketing strategy to inform the potential customers of the products we are going to sell. Most products and their benefits are unknown in Ghana, and we need to change this on a small budget. With a lot of creativity and local knowledge goodgets will be promoted as cost-effective and sustainable alternatives that can improve living conditions and environment for almost everybody in Ghana.

This is a big challenge, and we will write regular updates of our progress in the coming weeks on this website.