Category: Energy

What’s Cooking?

Today we visited a factory that produces efficient cookstoves. Very interesting to see how creative they are in making very efficient and easy to use products. We made some photos of course, so you can get a good impression. The cookstoves are beneficial for the end-users because they save 50% on charcoal. The stove therefore repays itself in a short time.

CookClean just started up her production facility on the outskirts of Accra, and they are still experimenting with the paint on the stoves. By april 2013 they hope to be able to produce at least 100 stoves a week. Goodget now has 3 CookClean cookstoves as samples in Ghana, and we will demonstrate them on all occasions. We hope to get back to Nicholas Manu and Erasmus Essah of CookClean soon with some substantial orders!


Goodgets – Work in Progress

The section of the Product Categories on this website is still in development. Please return in Januari 2013 and find a selection of innovative, sustainable and cost-effective products in the categories Agriculture, Energy, Health, Shelter and Water.

With the students from Rotterdam School of Management and the Technical University Delft we are now selecting innovative, sustainable and cost-effective products for the pilot in Ghana. After selecting 20-30 goodgets in the categories of Agriculture, Energy, Health, Shelter and Water, we are going to contact the producers to find out wether they are interested in distributing their products through Goodget.

After a positive reaction from the producers, SIFE Ghana will perform a market research to make sure there is demand for these products in Ghana. When this process is completed, we can add the products to this website.



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