More seaweed! Goodget is starting up a project in The Netherlands with Wageningen University and DELL to grow a special type of tropical seaweed. This seaweed holds the key to cutting greenhouse gas emissions, one cow burp at a time!
Researchers in Australia discovered adding a small amount of dried seaweed to a cow’s diet can reduce the amount of methane a cow produces by up to 99%. These findings could help alleviate climate change.
But wild harvesting of this particular species will not do. It has to be grown to feed as many cows as possible. This is why Goodget is starting up a project to grow this seaweed.
The tropical seaweed is called Asparagopsis Taxiformis, and Goodget is going to set up its test location in BlueCity Rotterdam – a former tropical swimming paradise turned circular economy hub.
We are currently seeking partners and funding to start up our pilot, and hope to start growing A. Taxiformis in March 2018. After a successful pilot, we will roll out our project to a large water bassin near a server center in Rotterdam – this is where DELL comes in as a partner. Waste heat from the server center is used to heat the water to tropical temperatures to create ideal circumstances for growing A. Taxiformis.
If this phase is also successful, we can duplicate this process everywhere in the world near server centers; creating jobs, reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and using waste heat in a very sustainable way.