Goodget has secured a matching fund from the Dutch Government. This means that we are in business: we can start bringing innovative and life improving products such as solar lamps, water purification devices and adjustable eyeglasses to the people who can best use them.

In the past months, the Goodget team has worked very hard to secure money for the pilot in Ghana. It has been an extremely challenging time for all involved, but we succeeded, and are now ready to give ‘proof of concept’: our four month pilot project will start in January 2014.

After preparatory work in The Netherlands, Emmy and Elvira of Goodget will travel to Ghana in January 2014. With our Ghanaian partners we will set up a Goodget demonstration team, and this team will start demonstrating the products to local entrepreneurs, mostly women. Local entrepreneurs interested in selling our products will receive training so they know everything there is to know about the products. With microcredit, they can buy stock, and start selling the products in their villages. Check our film to find out how Goodget operates.

The matching fund from AgentschapNL makes it possible for us to start up, but we need to raise more funds – loans, investments, grants – to set up a sustainable business and to guarantee continuity. Do you want to support us? Please check the site of 1%Club where we have listed voluntary tasks. We also have a crowd funding campaign running on this site for the training of local entrepreneurs. Contact Elvira for more information on our business model and prospects.