Last sunday we presented our idea and our products to selected entrepreneurs from the Accra area. In general, they were very positive about the products, but they also came up with many questions and tips for improvement of the products to suit the needs of their customers. Why doesn’t the solar panel have a cover against dust, and why is there no camera on the solar mobile phone? Shouldn’t there be a cover on the water filter if you want to use it in your kitchen where a woodstove is used? We will provide the producers of these products with this feedback, and hopefully they can further improve the products.

In the past 2 weeks we had conversations with social investors, producers of goodgets, local entrepreneurs, shipping companies, microfinance institutions and NGO’s. Our conclusion is that our business model needs to be slightly changed. This is why we could not yet seriously discuss this subject with the entrepreneurs last sunday. But they seemed to be open to our new ideas as well. Our task is now to rewrite the business plan, and then return to all our contacts, establish working relations with them and set up the company.

Our trip to Ghana is almost over, and we want to thank everybody who has helped to make it such a positive experience. We want to thank Evelyn, Evans, Gershon, and Linda of SIFE, all the volunteers from Enviu, RSM and TU Delft in the Netherlands, and all other people involved. On behalf of Goodget: Thank you!!!